Last Thursday, November 24th, Thanksgiving day fell on the same day as Robin’s birthday. In an act of giving thanks, twenty years ago, Wil Hammer, Robin’s husband, wrote the future of their love story in song.

After twenty years, Wil finally has the opportunity to record the song “Thank you for mine.” The simple lyrics of this song are a fresh reminder and a gift of thanks to support Robin as CNN Hero 2011 nominee. Wil is distributing this song free through the Internet as his way of thanking Robin’s supporter who have given their time to vote for Robin online.

For Wil, the song “Thank you for mine” is no longer his personal story, as it was twenty years ago when he first wrote it. He has invited a number of other musicians to collaborate with him in recording this song. Kartika Jahja and Robi Navicula shared their voices, Yoyok Harness strummed the sitar, Angelo Berardi played violin, Mamo strummed the bass, Vigneswaren Rajaendra played the tabla.

This collaboration creates a serene composition, especially Tika’s voice when flowing next to the sound of the tabla and violin. Wil even considered removing his own vocals when mixed next to Tika’s. Because her vocals soared so free he did not want to reduce any of the artistic quality of the song by mixing it with his own voice.

Wil is offering this song to anyone who believes that the power of love can change the world. Please download the song “Thank you for mine” here:

Then, click here to vote Robin Lim for CNN Hero 2011. You can vote 10 times a day until Dec 8th, 2011.

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