Grow crEATive with Bali Urban Farming

Urban farming is a social movement where city residents grow their own food. One of the main issues we hear from urban farming enthusiasts is how to plant a garden at home if there is limited space?

As long as there is air and sunshine, plants can grow. Outside of standard planting and growing techniques, what is most interesting about urban farming is how to find creative ways to provide space for edible plants to grow.

Grow crEATive with Bali Urban Farming is an interactive installation about creative farming. This collaborative project will explore creative ways to upcycle used materials and turn them into useful elements for your garden. Bali Urban Farming, students from Bali International School, and Komunitas Djamur will be participating, and anyone and everyone is welcome to come get their hands dirty.

This Urban farming installations offers up some solutions for planting on limited space or land that cannot be cultivated using conventional methods. We hope this installation project can provide inspiration to the public about how easy farming can be no matter where you plant. This installation will be greening the Bali Creative Festival from November 25-27 at Inna Grand Bali Beach, Sanur.

BUF is a creative laboratory striving to invent innovative methods to make urban farming fun. This community hopes to spread the seeds of the urban farming movement in Bali as a solution to food sovereignty. BUF is part of the offline activities of, an online media based in Bali, focused on social and environmental issues.

This community believes that urban farming is one real form of green lifestyle. BUF supports communities, organizations or individuals in creating urban farms in their neighborhoods. One of BUF’s projects is in development at Bali International School (BIS).

Robi Navicula aka Kurt Kebun (kebun means garden in Indonesian) is a Permaculture trainer at BIS for grades 7 and 8 and has facilitated the students in creating an urban farm space behind their school. The training begins with preparing the land for planting, planting the seeds, and transplanting the seeds into the land.

The BUF demo site is located on Jl. Drupadi no15D, Renon, Denpasar and is used as a facility to develop urban farming activities such as trainings. The BUF demo site includes vegetable gardens, fishponds, chicken coops, and birdhouses. BUF is available to hold trainings, and recently completed a training with preschools students from Anak Emas Denpasar.

Follow @BaliUrbanFarm on Twitter.

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